© Ascension Africa Hub 2023.

Building the future of tomorrow.

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what we do

Our specialization

App Design / development

We provide end-to-end app development support, from ideation to launch, empowering creators to bring their digital solutions to life. Join us to transform your concept into a high-performing application.

Data Analytics

We provide comprehensive data analytics services to derive actionable insights, and deliver value to businesses. Our tools transform raw data and streamline the complex process of data management, allowing clients to optimize their strategies, enhance efficiency, and accelerate growth.

Cyber Security

We offer comprehensive cybersecurity services, protecting your digital landscape with innovative, robust solutions. From threat detection to data protection, we fortify your digital presence and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your data, keeping your business secure in an increasingly connected world.


Work With Us

Create the Canvas of Tomorrow

We collaborate with entrepreneurial visionaries and business trendsetters, we fuel disruption and drive their sectors onward. From embryonic startup ideas to comprehensive product & software development projects, we merge our strengths as a team to actualize our clients' ideas.

Continuous Leanring & Skilled Professional Environment

We uphold the principle that the quest for knowledge never ends. By joining us, you'll find yourself immersed in continuous learning, surrounded by a highly competent team of seasoned professionals. Our collaboration with industry trailblazers, combined with our substantial contribution to the open-source sphere, places us at the forefront of innovation.

Create The Impossible

If your perspective is persistently geared towards shattering barriers and pushing boundaries, and you relish facing novel challenges daily in an environment that fosters continuous learning and growth, then you've found your haven. We're eager to learn more about you.

A Disruptive Culture

Work-life balance isn't just a buzzword for us; it's a way of life, underpinned by two principles. First, we value the importance of a happy team atmosphere. Second, we understand that even the most productive individuals need time to engage in fulfilling pursuits to sustain their momentum.


Building the future

Embark on a visionary journey with us to shape and build a trillion-dollar industry.
App Design / Development
Data Analytics
Cyber Security

Trusted from Clients


California, USA

12655 W Jefferson Blvd, Los Angeles, 90066


+1(346) 800-2850

Lagos, Nigeria

14 Ashafa Tijani street, LAGOS


+1(346) 800-2850

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